Activating PDF2Word using the Manual Method

If you are unable to activate PDF2Word using the Online Method or the Website Method, you can try generating an Activation Key using the Manual Method.


  1. Click on the "License" button in the toolbar.
  2. Enter the Payment Code and Email Address that were provided to you in your purchase email.
  3. Select "Other method of activation".
  4. From the drop-down menu, select "By E-mail".
  5. Click "Next". 
  6. Copy the highlighted data (scroll up to make sure all the lines are copied).
  7. Create a new email in your email client. Address it to The Subject line isn't important, so just use something like "Activation Key".
  8. Paste the data that you copied into the body of the email and send it.
  9. You will receive a reply that contains a 24-digit Activation Key. Copy the whole key and return to PDF2Word.
  10. Click "Next" (if you closed your application while waiting for your key, you can just return to the first dialog of the activation prompt and select "I have an activation key" from the options at the bottom). Paste the key into the empty spaces.
  11. Click "Next".
  12. Click "Finish"

You are now activated and ready to start using PDF2Word.

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