Using Page Ranges

If you have a multiple-page document and you only want to convert some of the pages, you can use the " Set Range..." option.

  1. Open your file in PDF2Word.
  2. Click the Set Range... button.
  3. Identify the pages you want to convert
    • Examples: 
      • "1" converts only page 1; "2" converts only page 2, etc.
      • "1-3" converts all pages from 1 to 3.
      • "1,3,5" converts pages 1, 3, and 5 (skipping the even numbered pages).
      • "1,3,5-7" converts pages 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 (notice it skipped pages 2 and 4?)
  4. Convert your document.

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