Conversion Takes Too Long

In a perfect environment, converting up to 500 pages of a PDF document should take less than a minute, however there are other factors that can affect the speed of the conversion:

  • Scanned PDF - If your PDF is scanned, it needs to run OCR, so that causes it to take a little extra time.
  • Computer memory - It's possible that your computer is low on memory and it's causing your applications to slow down. Try closing some other applications.
  • Corrupt Document - If there's any corruption within the PDF you are trying to convert, it can cause the software to get hung up when the extraction process reaches that section of the file. Try converting the file in increments of pages until you figure out where in the document the problem exists - you may need to manually input that section of the file.
  • Corrupt Software - Sometimes, things can change in your computer's environment that can cause some corruption of your PDF2XL installation. Try reinstalling the software to see if that solves the problem.
  • Issues with File Format - Occasionally, you'll find an issue converting a specific document into an Excel file. Try converting to .CSV and see if that works for you.

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