Initialization error 2504

When you attempt to launch PDF2XL after installation, you may encounter the following error: "Initialization error 2504: application may not be installed correctly."

As the error dialog states, this indicates that at some point during the installation process, the program has become corrupted.

There are a wide variety of reasons why this may have happened. For example, certain updates running in the background during install, conflicting programs running during install, etc. If you are using an older version of the software, you may experience this error more often as a sign that you are beginning to experience compatibility issues.

You will need to reinstall the software to correct this. We recommend you first do a full  uninstall using Revo Uninstaller to remove all the files that can get locked in the system. Once that's done, re-download your software (don't use the same installer that you used the first time, as the corruption could have occurred during the download).

If you are using an older version of the software and continue receiving this error, you may need an update. We recommend you download the free trial version of your particular edition first, to make sure it is working for you (just go to the product page for your edition on our website, under the Products menu item), then you can purchase an update in our store.

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