Using Predefined Fields

Your PDF document contains data that may not necessarily be shown on the document, itself, but is in the document's properties. These include things like the  file namenumber of pages in the document, the document authorcopyright information, etc. Since those fields are not physcially on the page, you won't be able to apply them to your layout, but you can still include them in your converted file.

You can add predefined fields to your conversion via the Predefined Fields dialog, accessible from the Convert toolbar. 


  1. After opening your document, you can either apply your layout or go straight to the Predefined Fields option. The order in which this is done is not important - your predefined fields will always show up at the top of the page.
  2. Click on the Predefined Fields button - a dialog will open.
  3. Note that some fields are marked with an asterisk (*). These are the fields that are available within the current document. You can select the ones that are not marked, but there will be no data in the correlating cell for that field.
  4. Click "OK".
  5. You should now see these fields at the top of the page under your Page Preview pane. This is how they will appear on your converted document.

You can now move these fields to a column by right-clicking on them and selecting " In Conversion, Show Field > Every Page/Every Line/With Table" (depending on how you want them to appear).

If you need to remove any of these fields, just open the Predefined Fields option again and clear the check from that item.

The available predefined fields are: 

File Fields
File Name The full path to the filename from which the data is converted.
Creation Time The time in which the file was created, retrieved from the file system.
Modification Time The time in which the file was modified, retrieved from the file system.
Conversion Fields
Page The number of the page the data is converted from. Most useful if not used as a Once Field, but rather as a field that is changed per page or row.
Conversion Page The number of page in the current conversion; for example, if the user converts pages 2-4 and 7, this field will contain 1 through 4. Most useful if not used as a Once Field, but rather as a field that is changed per page or row.
Conversion Time The time in which the conversion took place.
Internal Fields
These fields are always available, although if they aren't defined in the document then they will appear empty. Some documents may contain additional fields, which will also be available when adding predefined fields for that specific document.
Creator The document creator (usually the application that created it).
Producer The document producer (usually the driver that created it).
Title The document title (as opposed to the filename which the user can change in the file system).
Subject The document's subject, as set by the author.
Keywords Keywords to which the document is related.
Author The document's original author.
Comment Any comment the author set.
Description A short description of the document.
Copyright The document's copyright.

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