Command Line Error Codes

If an error occurs when using command line variables, one of the error codes in the following table will be returned.

A more detailed error message can be found in the standard error output (see the silent conversion example for a way to redirect the standard error output into a file).

To see a list of Commands, click here.

Code Description
1 -input command was issued but the file could not be opened (either missing or has an invalid format)
101 -layout command without a value
102 -format command without a value
103 -output command without a value
104 -range command without a value
105 -noui command with a value
106 -autoclose command  with a value
107 -run command with a value
108 -autoopen command with an illegal value
109 -autolayout command  with a value
110 Both -layout command and -autolayout command
111 -existingfile command without a value
112 -autoopen command without a -noui command, or with an invalid value (not on or off)
113 -autoopen command found more than once
131 -format command found with an invalid value
132 -format command found, but no -output filename is specified
133 -range command found with an invalid value
134 -output command found without a -format command
135 -output command found with a -format command that does not specify output to a file
136 -format command found more than once
137 -output command found more than once
151 -existingfile command found along with an invalid value
152 -existingfile command found more than once
201 -noui command found along with a -range command that has a value of 'ask'
202 Multiple -input commands were found along with a -noui command
203 Cannot open file when a -noui command was specified
204 -range command found more than once
301 Error while converting when -noui command was specified
302 Excel installation not found trying to convert into Excel with -noui command specified
303 Word installation not found trying to convert into Word or Powerpoint with -noui command specified
304 Powerpoint installation not found trying to convert into Powerpoint with -noui command specified
401 Failed to load the layout specified in -layout command when -noui command was specified
402 Failed to convert the file because -noui command was used without a layout
403 -layout command found more than once
404 The specified input file is protected, and therefore cannot be converted
501 -template command used with an invalid value
502 -template command found more than once
503 -template command used without a value
504 -template command used with 'repeat' value but without a -pagerepeat command
505 -pagerepeat command used without a value
506 -pagerepeat command found more than once
507 -pagerepeat command used with an invalid value
508 -firstpagediff command used with a value
509 -lastpagediff command used with a value 

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