Conversion Error: An error occured during conversion

You may encounter the following error when trying to run a conversion in PDF2XL:

This error generally happens when you have an instance of Excel currently running.

If you are certain that you have no Excel windows open, try running a conversion into CSV and see if that works. If so, it indicates an issue with the Excel program and you may need to reinstall your Office software.

Another possible error you may receive is this one:

  • Check the folder you are trying to convert to. Make sure that you have the appropriate permissions to save documents to that folder and that it is not a 'read-only' folder. This error could also occur if you are trying to convert directly to a cloud folder, such as OneDrive - try saving it to a regular Documents folder and see if that makes a difference.
  • Check the name you are trying to save your document as. It should not have any special characters, like < > ? [ ] : | * . The same rules apply when you save any file to your computer. Also, the length of your filename should not exceed 218 characters.

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